KL-009(I) Pocket-size PH meter
KL-009(I) Pocket-size PH meter | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Description: •Simpleonepointcalibration •Easytouse •Economical Itisafastandaccuratemeter.Whatyousaveinbuyingdroptypetestkitswillmorethanpayforthismeter!Andthosekitsarenotusuallyveryaccurate.YouwillneverhavetoguesswhichcolorthephStripsareclosestto! Itisfastandsimpletouse.Justdipitinthepond,aquariumorswimmingpoolandreadthereadingonthedigitaldisplayinjustafewseconds. ThisPHMeterisidealforAquariums,Aquacultures,FishHatcheries,FoodProcessing,Laboratory,PaperIndustry,SwimmingPool,School&colleges. Specifications:
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