The advantages of fin stock
Fin stock is the main raw material of heat exchange sheets in air conditioners. It is widely used in household air conditioners, refrigerators, automotive air conditioners and other refrigeration equipment. Compared with ordinary light foils, it has the following advantages:
1. The fin stock can increase the anti-corrosion, anti-fungal and odor-free functions;
2. The condensed water on the surface of the heat exchange sheet is evenly distributed on the surface, which will not cause the accumulation and blockage between the heat exchange sheets after the formation of the water droplets, affecting the heat exchange conditions, thereby increasing the heat exchange rate by 5%;
3, because the water has no beads, correspondingly reduce the noise caused by vibration;
4. The fin stock can prevent the air-conditioning oxidized powder from being blown into the room and have adverse effects on the human body, and meet the environmental protection requirements. 5. The fin stock of the air-conditioner heat sink should meet the requirements of YS/T95.2---2001.
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