Hangzhou Botanical Technology Co., Ltd.

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Founded in 2001, Hangzhou Botanical Technology Co., Ltd., manufactures botanical products for health industry in China and abroad. We offer more than three hundred varieties, including herbal tea material, spices, and botanical raw material. Because of the continuous good quality and service we have supplied, we have built deep relationship with many global customers, such as European, American and Japanese.
'Botanic', by grapheme in Chinese, also means plentiful and extensive. Named with this word, our company makes a strong commitment to applying the valuable resources which are gifted by the nature to human health. 'Safe, Authentic and Traceable' is fundamentals of our products. 'Faithful, Considerate and Professional' are principles of our service.
Hangzhou Botanical wishes to collaborate and step forward with you in a win-win way for bright and prosperous future.
Ginseng Root | Ginsengis araliaceous plant ginseng roots dry. In China, consumption of ginseng has a longhistory, as early as the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", it... | |
Licorice Root | Liquoriceisa hardy plantfound around the Mediterranean basin and in Asia and is famous for its sweet, aniseed flavor and the many active principles... | |
Milkvetch Root | Milkvetch root, also known as Astragalus root or "Huang Qi" in traditional Chinese medicine, is a widely used herbal remedy with a rich history of ... | |
Ginkgo Leaf | Ginkgo leaf,derived from the Ginkgo biloba tree, is a well-known herbal remedy with a history spanning thousands of years. The Ginkgo tree is often... | |
Houttuynia Herb | Houttuynia herb,scientifically known as Houttuynia cordata, is a perennial plant native to Asia and parts of Africa. It is a member of the Saurur... | |
Reishi, Ganoderma lucidum | Reishi,scientifically known as Ganoderma lucidum, is a renowned medicinal mushroom with a history of use in traditional Asian medicine that spans t... | |
Ginger Root | Ginger root,scientifically known as Zingiber officinale, is a well-loved and widely used spice and herbal remedy with a history dating back thousan... | |
Maitake | Maitake,scientifically known as Grifola frondosa, is a highly regarded mushroom with a long history of medicinal use in various cultures, particula... | |
Cinnamon Bark | Cinnamon bark,derived from the inner bark of the Cinnamomum tree species, is a widely used spice known for its distinctive flavor, aroma, and poten... | |
Notoginseng Root | Notoginseng root,scientifically known as Panax notoginseng, is a valuable herb deeply rooted in traditional Chinese medicine. It belongs to the sam... | |
Chinese Arborviae Seed | Chinese Arborvitae Seed, also known as Bai Zi Ren in Chinese, is a seed derived from the Chinese arborvitae tree, scientifically known as Platyclad... | |
Schizonepeta Spike | Schizonepeta Spike, scientifically known as Schizonepeta tenuifolia, is an herb with a history of use in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and oth... | |
Calendula | Calendula, scientifically known as Calendula officinalis, is a vibrant and well-loved flowering plant that holds a special place in herbal medicine... | |
Honeysuckle Immature Flower | Honeysuckle Immature Flower, known as "Lonicerae Japonicae Flos" in Latin and "Jin Yin Hua" in Chinese, is a widely used herb in traditional Chines... | |
Pagodatree Flower | Pagoda Tree Flower,scientifically known as Sophora japonica flower, is a flowering plant with a rich history of use in traditional herbal medicine.... | |
Safflower | Safflower, botanically known as Carthamus tinctorius, is a flowering plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. It is cultivated for its seeds, w... | |
Sweet-scented Osmanthus | Sweet-scented Osmanthus, scientifically known as Osmanthus fragrans, is a flowering plant prized for its incredibly fragrant flowers. It belongs ... | |
Cherry Tree Bark | Cherry tree barkrefers to the outer protective layer that covers the trunks, branches, and twigs of cherry trees. The bark serves as a vital barrie... | |
White Mulberry Root Bark | White Mulberry Root Bark,scientifically known as Morus alba root bark, refers to the outer protective layer that covers the underground roots of th... | |
Honeysuckle Stem | Honeysuckle stemrefers to the aboveground, woody part of the honeysuckle plant, specifically the stems or branches that grow from the base of the p... | |
Orientvine Stem | This exotic invasive vine effectivelyutilizes nearby trees, shrubs, or any other above ground structure as scaffolding that helps it to grow upward... | |
Peony Root Bark | Peony Root Bark, scientifically known as Paeonia suffruticosa or Paeonia lactiflora, refers to the outer protective layer that covers the undergrou... | |
Corktree Bark | Corktree barkrefers to the outer protective layer that covers the trunks and branches of cork oak trees (Quercus suber). The cork oak is a type of ... | |
Magnolia Bark | Magnolia barkrefers to the outer protective layer that covers the trunks and branches of various species of magnolia trees. Magnolias are flowering... | |
Gambirplant Branchlet | Gambiris a shrub native to Southeast Asia, and its leaves and branches are used for their tannin-rich extracts, which have various applications, in... | |
Eucommia Bark | Eucommia barkrefers to the outer protective layer that covers the trunks and branches of the Eucommia ulmoides tree. Eucommia ulmoides, commonly kn... |