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1000L 3 Vessel Beer Brewing Equipment |
1000L 3 Vessel Beer Brewing Equipment is a brewery for restaurants, commecial and industrial breweries which consist of the industrial wort brew ma... |
啤酒酿造设备 |
2000L啤酒酿造设备是针对餐馆、商业和工业啤酒厂的啤酒厂,由工业麦汁酿造机和一套设备齐全的专业啤酒发酵罐组成,标称容量从1000升到10000升这是一家中型和大型精酿啤酒厂,主要面向拥有自己啤酒生产的餐馆和酒吧。但较大型号的容量也足以满足零售的工业啤酒厂的需求。配备工业花生厂麦汁机和现代专业... |
2000L Fermentation Tank |
2000L Fermentation Tank is a Modular cylindrically-conical tank consist of a base tank (BT) and expansion accessories (valves, fittings, armatures,... |
2000L 2 Vessel Copper Beer Brewing Equipment |
2000L 2 Vessel Copper Beer Brewing Equipment , Copper has the highest heat conductivity, is easy to form and was traditionally used for making the ... |
10000L Bright Beer Tank |
10000L Bright Beer Tank is often also called serving tank, tax determination tanks or clear beer tank (=CBT), Jacketed Bright Beer Tank (=BBT) or m... |
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