
Plunger / Element Of Fuel Injector For Diesel Engine

Goods can be sent in 3 to 5 workdays. The warranty time covers one year. We can compensate or send you new ones if the goods go wrong during the time.

The packing can be Bosch, Denso, Zexel, Delphi, Cat, Lucas, Stanadyne, Ambac, Seven, Caterpillar, Cummins , Yanmar, DP and so on. Or upon your requirement.

BOSCHNo. StampingNo.
1418305518 1305518
1418305525 1305525
1418305528 1305528
1418305540 1305540
1418305541 1305541
1418320045 1320045
1418320046 1320046
1418321038 1321038
1418321039 1321039
1418321058 1321058
1418321059 1321059
1418324044 324-186
1418325000 1325000
1418321073 1321073
1418325002 1325002
1418325005 1325005
1418325007 1325007
1418325008 1325008
1418325021 1325021
1418325022 1325022
1418325023 1325023
1418325024 1325024
1418325028 1325028
1418325032 1325032
1418325039 1325039
1418325040 1325040
1418325045 1325045
1418325077 1325077
1418325089 1325089
1418325094 1325094
1418325095 1325095
1418325096 1325096
1418325102 1325102
1418325103 1325103
1418325128 1325128
1418325138 1325138
1418325142 1325142
1418325145 1325145
1418325156 1325156
1418325157 1325157
1418325158 1325158
1418325159 1325159
1418325160 1325160
1418325162 1325162
1418325163 1325163
1418325168 1325168
1418325170 1325170
1418325179 325-179
1418325184 1325184
1418325185 1325185
1418325186 325-186
1418325188 1325188
1418325189 1325189
1418325196 1325196
1418325201 1325201
1418325895 1325895
1418325898 1325898
1418340000 1340000
1418340003 1340003
1418421021 1421021
1418421024 1421024
1418421028 1421028
1418421039 1421039
1418421051 1421051
1418421052 1421052
1418425004 1425004
1418425005 1425005
1418425006 1425006
1418425007 1425007
1418425009 1425009
1418425016 1425016
1418425017 1425017
1418425018 1425018
1418425051 1425051
1418425064 1425064
1418425081 1425081
1418425089 1425089
1418425094 1425094
1418425099 1425099
1418425107 1425107
1418425112 1425112
1418425125 1425125
1418425126 1425126
1418425201 1425201
3418305006 3305006
9401083324 9083324
9401083503 9083503
9411038330 Jan-37
9411038335 9038335
9411038336 9038336
9411038338 9038338
9411038340 9038340
9411038350 9038350
9411038351 9038351
9411038352 9038352
9411038354 A44
9411038355 0-3
9411038361 9038361
9411038363 A85
9411038365 0-6
9411038390 A29
9411038399 A43
9411038424 9038424
9411038428 9038428
9411038429 44N1
9411038433 9038433
9411038443 9038443
9411038445 131/0
9411038448 A54
9411038451 9038451
9411038456 9038456
9411038458 9038458
9411038459 9038459
9411038467 9038467
9411038468 9038468
9411038471 9038471
9411038479 3050
9411038482 9038482
9411038485 2550
9411038490 9038490
9412038306 A89
9412038309 A74
9412038315 9203315
9412038318 A78
9412038319 9203319
9412038320 A52
9412038323 A146
9412038344 9203344
9412038350 A120
9412038353 A125
9412038355 A116
9412038357 9203357
9412038408 9203408
9412038409 9203409
9412038416 9203416
9412038421 9203421
9412038423 A30
9412038425 9203425
9412038426 9203426
9412038431 9203431
9412270043 9270043
9412270052 9270052
F000401050 F401050
F000401052 F401052
F002B10027 903F027
F002B10507 903F507
F002B10508 903F508
F002B10519 903F519
F002B10530 903F530
F002B10536 903F536
F002B10538 903F538
F002B10539 903F539
F002B10545 903F545
F002B10554 903F554



2418455077 2455-077
2418455112 2455-112
2418455114 2455-114
2418455118 2455118
2418455122 2455122
2418455128 2455128
2418455129 2455129
2418455130 2455130
2418455134 2455134
2418455135 2455135
2418455136 2455136
2418455137 2455-137
2418455139 2455139
2418455142 2455142
2418455143 2455-143
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2418455148 2455-148
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2418455160 2455-160
2418455161 2455161
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2418455166 2455166
2418455167 2455-167
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2418455174 2455-174
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2418455715 2455-715
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2418455719 2455-719
2418455722 2455722
2418455724 2455724
2418455992 2455992
9412270033 9270033
9412270035 9270035
F000401069 F401069
1418415115 1415-115
1418415549 1415-549
2418425975 2425975
2418425976 2425976
2418425977 2425977
2418425978 2425978
2418425980 2425980
2418425981 2425981
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2418425985 2425985
2418425987 2425987
2418425988 2425988
2418425989 2425989
2418425987 2425987
2418425990 2425990
2418425995 2425995
1418415051 1415051
1418415054 1415054
1418415058 1415058
1418415065 1415065
1418415066 1415066
1418415070 1415070
1418415073 1415073
1418415075 1415/075
1418415077 1415077
1418415081 1415081
1418415082 1415082
1418415083 1415083
1418415096 1415/096
1418415107 1415107
1418415114 1415114
1418415115 1415115
1418415116 1415-116
1418415118 1415118
1418415119 1415119
1418415509 1415-509
1418415536 1415536
1418415545 1415545
1418415549 1415549
1418305004 1305004
1418405002 1405002
1418405003 1405003
1418405004 1405004
1418405005 1405005
2418305007 2305007
2418305010 2305010
3418301003 3301003
3418303002 3303002
3418303005 3303005
3418305004 3305004
3418305009 3305009
3418325015 3325015
3418403005 3403005
3418405003 3405003
3418405005 3405005
3418405006 3405006
3418405011 3405011
9411038341 9038341
9411038342 9038342
9411038353 9038353
9411038384 9038384
9411038441 9038441
9411038463 9038463
9411080038 9080038
9411080083 9080083
9411080087 9080087
1-0803 803
1-312 1-312
1-313 1-313
1-315 1-315
1-421 1-421
1-559 1-559
2-281 LUCUS
2-283 LUCUS
2-285 LUCUS
15-231C 15-231C


至: 雷德柴油机配件厂
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