small slurry pump/China Electrical Industrial Dewatering Slurry Pump Manufacturer
1.High Chrome Horizontal Slurry Pumps
2.Discharge Size: 25mm-450mm
3.Capacity: to 6700 m3/hr
4.Head: to 120m
AM Series slurry pump are mainly used to pump high-hardness, strong-corrosion and high-concentration liquids that contain suspended solid particles, such as finished ores, refuse ores, ashes, cinders, cements, mud, mineral stones and etc.
Detailed specification:
1. Horizontal, cantilevered, centrifugal, single stage slurry pump
2.Long bearing life: The bearing assembly is with large diameter shaft and short overhang.
3. Wear resistant and anti-abrasion wet parts:high chrome alloyand rubber etc. They are completely interchangeable with each other
4. Easily replaceable liners: Liners are bolted to the casing.
5. Easy adjustment of impeller: An impeller adjustment mechanism is provided below the bearing housing.
6 Discharge direction can be positioned at intervals of 45 degrees.
7. Simple maintenance throat-bush: the mating face of the throat bush is tapered, so the wear is reduced and removal is simple.
8. Sealing type: packing seal,expeller sealing and mechanical seal.
9. Widely application: They are designed for handling abrasive, high density slurries in the metallurgical, mining, coal, power, building material and other industrial departments.
10.Certificate: ISO, CE.
11. Welcome OEM.
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