Breast light detection device functions:
1.It could help the women self examination breast at home.
2. Checking the breast whether have Breast hyperplasia,acute mastitis,chronic mastitis,breast fibroadenoma breast cancer or other breast diseases.
Female breast self- examination
A. The infrared light scanner could detect the women breast abnormal situation, women could detect it by themselves at household
B. This breast light screening device works by shining a bright light through the breast tissue, which a convenient and very safe device , and you will feel comfortable while using this device. The Breast light detection device could guide you to see the inside of the breast
C. Self - examination provides an opportunity to dispel several apprehensions that may occur with unusual changes in breast.Every ailment should be detected at proper time for better understanding especially when it comes to a disease like Cancer. So do it , to test ourselves, but not count on others only.
D. Early detection of breast cancer makes it easy to proceed towards treatment. Self - examination provides an opportunity to dispel several apprehensions that may occur with unusual changes in breast.
COZING-XS01 Friendly tips:
1.DON`T use the scanner. When breast injury or breast skin is injured,
2.DON`T use the scanner when you are allergic to the plastic products.
3. The examine results will be difference according to the various body , please compare the results with yourself.
4.Please inspect once a month, each time within 7 to 10 days after the EMMENIA.
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