A49 high cr desulphurization pump FGD Pump series 800X-TL(R)
1. Description:
Feeding pump of filtering machine
Discharging pump for gypsum liquid
2. Features:
Single-stage single-suction horizontal centrifugal slurry pump mainly used as circulating pump in the absortion tower of the wet FGD(Flue Gas Desulphurization) devices.
It is suitable forlow PH condition, especially for flue gas.It can also be used for low-sour condition and desulfurization installation.
The position of the impeller can be changed by adjusting the bearing assembly.
The pump is back dismantled so that the users needn't dismantle the pipe connection when maintaining or repairing.
Pump head use double rows taper roller bearings, and the drive end use cylindrical roller bearings.
Front and rear casing can prevent accidental explosion.
Wide impeller channel for big particles.
X type frame for space saving.Oil lubrication. Clockwise from the drive end. Integrating mechanical seal. Direct driving mode(DC).
3. Slurry pump specification:
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