

供应商: 818687


Phosphatidylserine is a kind of phosphatidylserine. Pure phosphatidylserine powder is a white waxy solid, which can be dissolved in most non-polar solvents containing a little water but cannot be dissolved in anhydrous acetone. We can extract phosphatidylserine powder from tissue cells by chloroform-methanol extraction method. When a phosphatidylserine powder is dissolved in water, most of the insoluble lipids form microclusters, except for a few that form true solutions. At pH=7, it has two negative charges and one positive charge, which is more than one negative charge. With weak base hydrolysis to fatty acid metal salt, the rest of the hydrolysis is not hydrolyzed, with strong base hydrolysis to fatty acid, serine, and phosphoglycerides. Phosphatidylserine powder oxidizes easily when exposed to air and gradually darkens in color, from white to yellow and finally to black. The natural phosphatidylserine powder is almost unaffected by alcohol, the saturated phosphatidylserine powder can form staggered chain gel with alcohol, and the dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylserine powder can interact with 5% alcohol at room temperature and induce the formation of a regular gel.
Phosphatidylserine powder consists of two long-chain fatty acids, a glycerol main chain, and a phospholipid cephalic group, among which the phospholipid cephalic group is composed of serine and phosphoric acid. The phospholipid cephalic group is negatively charged, and this part is hydrophilic, while the tail containing fatty acids is lipophilic. Therefore, the composition of the three parts is amphiphilic, which is both hydrophilic and oil-public. Phosphatidylserine powders are not a single component due to differences in long-chain fatty acids but refer to a class of compounds.


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