Silyl Acrylate Self-polishing Resin
SPSi-100 is a high performance matrix resin product used for tin-free self-polishing paint, it is only suitable for copper-containing formulations and can be blended with various amounts of CDP (Rosin) to satisfy different application requirements. The tin-free self-polishing antifouling coatings prepared by SPSi-100 could possess 4-5 years performance (the actual antifouling performance determined by paint formulation, ships speed & activity and sailing sea area environment), low VOC and excellent polishing rate.
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双吡啶硫酮 |
应用:广谱 剂、医药中间体、透明塑料防霉剂、化妆品助剂及去屑剂、感光材料助剂、农药中间体、抑臭剂
BPT是继ZPT之后的新一代高效去屑剂。该产品具有与ZPT相似的化学结构,因此具有与之ZPT相同的杀菌功效。BPT能有效杀灭卵米糠疹藓菌,卵状芽孢菌、白色念珠球菌等多种真菌,为一般杀菌剂所不及。... |
吡啶硫酮铜 |
CPT目前主要用于船舶防污漆、建筑涂料、金属加工、农药等行业。CPT及其同类产品以其高效、低毒、广谱的优良性能在农药领域的应用具有极大的潜力及广泛的空间。 |
敌草隆原药 |
理化性质:纯品为白色无臭结晶固体,熔点158~159℃,工业品135℃以上,蒸气压(50℃时)0.413mPa。25℃时水中溶解度42mg/L。27℃时丙酮中溶解度5.3 %,稍稍延长了东南乙酯、乙醇及热苯。在中稳定,不易氧化和停顿,在平衡及平衡调节下空气速度增加,在189~190℃时稳定,无... |
苯噻氰 |
TCMTB可以与一系列表面活性剂复配形成杀菌剂浓缩液,用水稀释时形成稳定的乳液,表明活性剂可确保TCMTB快速... |
Silyl Acrylate Self-polishing Resin |
SPSi-100 is a high performance matrix resin product used for tin-free self-polishing paint, it is only suitable for copper-containing formulations ... |
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