
新的 UHP 级电极石油焦
新的 UHP 级电极石油焦 卖方: 河北鸿阔贸易有限公司 描述 超高压石墨电极用于电弧炉行业的钢材回收。它的主要成分是由石油或煤焦油制成的高价值针状焦。石墨电极采用圆柱形状完成,并在每端加工有螺纹区域。这样,可以使用电极接头将石墨电极组装成电极柱。 为...
普通功率石墨电极(RP) 卖方: 北京市方冶炭素科技有限公司 人造石墨电极选用优质石油焦、进口针状焦、优质煤沥青等低灰粉原料,经煅烧、配料、混捏、成型、多次焙烧和浸渍、石墨化等工序制成石墨化半成品,最后经专业数控车床精细加工而成,产品具有电阻率低、灰分低、...
UHP Graphite Electrodes
UHP Graphite Electrodes 卖方: 河南卡尔冈新材料科技有限公司
RP Graphite Electrode
RP Graphite Electrode 卖方: 河南卡尔冈新材料科技有限公司
HP Graphite Electrodes
HP Graphite Electrodes 卖方: 河南卡尔冈新材料科技有限公司
专业供应低硫CPC GPC石墨化/煅烧石油焦
专业供应低硫CPC GPC石墨化/煅烧石油焦 卖方: 河北鸿阔贸易有限公司 描述 超高压石墨电极用于电弧炉行业的钢材回收。其主要成分是由石油或煤焦油制成的高价值针状焦。石墨电极制成圆柱形状,并在每端加工有螺纹区域。这样,可以使用电极接头将石墨电极组装成电极柱。 为了...
RP/HP/UHP graphite electrode 500mm
RP/HP/UHP graphite electrode 500mm 卖方: 临漳县三能碳素科技有限公司 UHP graphite electrode is used for the recycling of steel in the electric arc furnace industry. I...
石墨电极350 卖方: 临漳县三能碳素科技有限公司 Performance characteristics of ultra-high power graphite electrode in 350 arc furnace Our prod...
Custom Graphite Bricks
Custom Graphite Bricks 卖方: 临漳县三能碳素科技有限公司 定制石墨砖 石墨电极主要用于冶金工业和电石、磷化工企业,如钢铁冶炼、工业硅、黄磷、铁合金、二氧化钛渣、棕刚玉等矿热炉熔炼生产。 包装:木制 注意: 1. 电极应存放在清洁干燥的地方,避免振动和...
高品质石墨电极 卖方: 河北鸿阔贸易有限公司 描述 超高压石墨电极用于电弧炉行业的钢材回收。其主要成分是由石油或煤焦油制成的高价值针状焦。石墨电极制成圆柱形状,并在每端加工有螺纹区域。这样,可以使用电极接头将石墨电极组装成电极柱。 为了...
多种规格的石墨电极 卖方: 河北鸿阔贸易有限公司 我们是石墨电极工厂,欲采购了解详情请联系whatsapp:
Electrode paste
Electrode paste 卖方: Xuzhou Carbon Co.,Ltd. Electrode paste is used in closed electric smelting furnace as continuous self-baking electrode t...
UHP 300 石墨电极
UHP 300 石墨电极 卖方: 临漳县三能碳素科技有限公司 电极一厂,掌握了制造碳石墨材料的所有生产工艺,如等静压、挤压、模压、震动成型、注射成型以及一次成型的精湛技术。同时,也为客户提供全面的工程设计服务以及复杂形状石墨产品的先进加工技术,生产的石墨电...
石墨电极/超高功率石墨电极750/650/700 卖方: 河北海腾新材料科技有限公司 DESCRIPTION UHP graphite electrode is used for the recycling of steel in the electric arc furnace...
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon 卖方: Ao hui carbon company DESCRIPTION UHP graphite electrode is used for the recycling of steel in the electric arc...
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon 卖方: Ao hui carbon company DESCRIPTION UHP graphite electrode is used for the recycling of steel in the electric arc...
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon 卖方: Ao hui carbon company DESCRIPTION UHP graphite electrode is used for the recycling of steel in the electric arc...
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon 卖方: Ao hui carbon company DESCRIPTION UHP graphite electrode is used for the recycling of steel in the electric arc...
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon 卖方: Ao hui carbon company DESCRIPTION UHP graphite electrode is used for the recycling of steel in the electric arc...
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon 卖方: Ao hui carbon company DESCRIPTION UHP graphite electrode is used for the recycling of steel in the electric arc...
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon 卖方: Ao hui carbon company DESCRIPTION UHP graphite electrode is used for the recycling of steel in the electric arc...
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon 卖方: Ao hui carbon company Good day,dear friend: Aohui Carbon company here, exporting graphite electrodes in China. Call me ...
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon 卖方: Ao hui carbon company Good day,dear friend: Aohui Carbon company here, exporting graphite electrodes in China. Call me ...
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon 卖方: Ao hui carbon company Good day,dear friend: Aohui Carbon company here, exporting graphite electrodes in China. Call me ...
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon 卖方: Ao hui carbon company
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon
#graphiteelectrode #uhp750 #uhp650 #uhp700 #electrodes #steelmaking #electricarcfurnace #steelmills #steelplants #steelmakers #metalscraps #NACHI #heatingelements #quality #china #carbon 卖方: Ao hui carbon company